Sunday, November 06, 2011

Monterey Bay Seafood Watch list

Sometimes I think about the amount of food that I have processed and cooked in my professional life; the numbers are staggering and I am just one out of many. It really gets me thinking of how much we are consuming and that some of the world's wild food supplies are in serious danger of vanishing for good. A great resource in helping consumers and professional cooks make good choices is the Monterey Bay Seafood Watch list. This list has been compiled using scientific information to help provide consumers with the best choices in buying seafood and which fish to avoid. My love and respect for the ocean helps keep me focused on doing my part to help this good and important cause. The seafood watch list is gaining popularity here on the West coast and spreading rapidly across the US and beyond. I like it when I go to local restaurants and see that they follow the list, it's a step in the right direction. I encourage you to read the list and use it when selecting seafood to eat. There is a free app available for IPhone too.

Seafood Watch best choice, Wild Alaskan Halibut

Parma Ham Wrapped Halibut, Chick pea stew

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